The Dinky Links: Mini Golf At The Market


The Dinky Links: Mini Golf At The Market


Event Info

June 30, 2024
May 22, 2024
June 30, 2024
8:00 pm
$20 Donation to First Tee - Southeast Wisconsin
Registration INformation
or call 414-336-1111

The Dinky Links Miniature Golf Course has arrived! 

The Milwaukee Public Market's Dinky Rink, known as the area's smallest ice-skating rink, has been whimsically transformed into Dinky Links, a miniature golf course that retains its charmingly compact size. This new attraction not only provides a unique recreational experience but also supports a great cause, benefiting the local charity First Tee — Southeast Wisconsin, a youth development organization that empowers kids and teens through golf.

The Dinky Links were developed in response to an increased need for guests to gather in an outdoor space during the spring months. The links feature seating, equipment rental, and of course access to food and drink from market vendors. In exchange for a $20 non-refundable donation to First Tee - Southeast Wisconsin, you will have private access to Dinky Links, for up to 15 guests, for 60 minutes. (payment due at time of check-in)


-Registration is required before accessing links
-A valid ID is required to rent balls and clubs
-Golf at your own risk
-In the interest of fairness, no back-to-back reservations will be accepted
-Rink area is accessible only during market hours
-Please limit your time on the links to no more than 60 minutes
-No more than 15 people allowed on the links at one time
-Children under 18 years must be supervised at all times

NOTE: Availability is subject to course conditions. We reserve the right to cancel any standing reservations.

Don’t forget to tag us @milwaukeepublicmarket! 

register today!


Free Parking

Parking is available in the Market's main lot just off of Water Street. Make sure to bring your parking ticket to the class for validation.


Reservations are non-refundable, however you may send someone else to take your place. If we cancel a class due to insufficient enrollment, a full refund will be made.

Purchasing as a Gift?

Click here to download a fillable gift certificate that can accompany your wonderful gift!

Event Info

June 30, 2024
8:00 pm
$20 Donation to First Tee - Southeast Wisconsin
Registration Info
or call 414-336-1111

Event Info

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$20 Donation to First Tee - Southeast Wisconsin

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