Taylor Swift-Inspired Dinner by Chef John Levine & Mixologist Maria Westfall


Taylor Swift-Inspired Dinner by Chef John Levine & Mixologist Maria Westfall


Event Info

October 20, 2024
5:00 pm
Registration INformation
or call 414-336-1111

Swifties, get ready for a culinary love story at the Milwaukee Public Market, as Lost Whale mixologist Maria Westfall and Chef John Levine bring you an enchanted evening of Taylor Swift-inspired dishes and cocktails. This five-course dinner, paired with Maria’s creative concoctions like "Who's Afraid of Little Old Me" and "Enchanted," promises a night you won’t shake off easily.

About Chef John Levine:
Raised in Cedarburg, John Levine began his culinary journey as a grill cook at Culver's before serving in the Army and spending time in Alaska. Upon returning to the Milwaukee area, he worked at renowned spots like Bibinger's, Timmer's Resort, and Pizza Man. Now, as Executive Chef & General Manager at Coco's Seafood & Steakhouse, John is passionate about sourcing fresh, local ingredients and supporting the community through charity dinners. In his downtime, he enjoys watching Packer games with family and friends.

About Mixologist Maria Westfall:

Maria Westfall's cocktail creativity blossomed while working alongside the Romine brothers at their farm-to-table restaurant in Michigan, where she was inspired by their focus on local ingredients, creative flavors, and sustainable practices. Now, as General Manager and Cocktail Curator at Lost Whale, Maria is known for her fun, music-themed pop-ups and nature-inspired drinks. Her playful style, combined with full autonomy over the bar program, allows her to bring a joyful and dynamic cocktail experience to Milwaukee, alongside beverage powerhouses Daniel Beres and Tripper Duval.


Free Parking

Parking is available in the Market's main lot just off of Water Street. Make sure to bring your parking ticket to the class for validation.


Reservations are non-refundable, however you may send someone else to take your place. If we cancel a class due to insufficient enrollment, a full refund will be made.

Purchasing as a Gift?

Click here to download a fillable gift certificate that can accompany your wonderful gift!

Event Info

October 20, 2024
5:00 pm
Registration Info
or call 414-336-1111

Event Info

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