➡️ Purchase tickets at Historic Milwaukee website.
Celebrating our 20 Year Anniversary, we're excited to partner with Historic Milwaukee to share the Market's history and deep neighborhood roots. This tour will explore the Market’s development including vendors past and present, share more behind-the-scenes stories of the beloved antiques on display and delve into the neighborhood’s past as the center of Commission houses and the wholesale grocery business in Milwaukee.
In addition to supporting Historic Milwaukee, $1 from every ticket sold will benefit Hunger Task Force, Milwaukee’s only Free & Local food bank and Wisconsin’s anti-hunger leader. Hunger Task Force believes that every person has a right to healthy food obtained with dignity and is supported 100% by the local community. Learn more and support Hunger Task Force’s Free & Local mission: www.HungerTaskForce.org.
Walking tour dates include April 13, May 18, June 22, July 20, August 17, September 21, October 19, November 16 and December 21.
➡️ Purchase tickets at Historic Milwaukee website.
Parking is available in the Market's main lot just off of Water Street. Make sure to bring your parking ticket to the class for validation.
Reservations are non-refundable, however you may send someone else to take your place. If we cancel a class due to insufficient enrollment, a full refund will be made.
Click here to download a fillable gift certificate that can accompany your wonderful gift!
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